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Monday, January 24, 2011

Cookie Season is finally here!

Excitement is in the air and I know why..... Cookie Season is finally here!! I have slept, dreamt and waited for this day to arrive! I was already approached by a Girl Scout over the weekend out selling cookies door to door. Way to go! One mom emailed me today that her daughter has already sold 1,200 boxes. WOW! I hope all of you have a wonderful selling season and are out and about in your neighborhoods, talking to friends and family about cookies. Most of all- I hope you are having tons of FUN doing it! At the end of the day- it is all about having fun while learning at the same time.

If you run into any snags on eBudde- don't forget about our optional Open Ebudde Trainings happening this week and next with your host, Product Sales Manager, Jered Michael. Dates:
Tues., Jan. 25, 2-3 PM or 6-7 PM at the Muskegon Service Center
Mon., Jan. 31, 2-3 PM or 6-7 PM at the Traverse City Service Center
Tues., Feb. 1, 6-6:30 PM or 8:30-9 PM
Thurs., Feb. 10, 2-3 PM or 6-7 PM.

You MUST RSVP 3 days prior. If there isn't enough interest- the trainings will be cancelled. To RSVP please email Put Ebudde Training RSVP in the subject line and indicate which training you will be attending.

Here's to a great 2011 Cookie Season!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cookie Kickoffs+520 girls = AMAZING!

Hi all-
It was so great to meet so many of you at our Grand Rapids Cookie Kickoff! We had a ton of fun and the girls walked away knowing more about selling cookies and being comfortable while doing it! Booths focused on: marketing, safety, cookie opportunities online, goal setting and of course.... plenty of FUN! Afterward, the girls had the opportunity to see Tangled and have free popcorn! Spring Lake- the girls went through the stations and played games and Traverse City was spent doing gymnastics! What a great time! Thanks to all the leaders and families who brought out your girls. I am SO pumped about this cookie season!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Cookie Kickoff Events no longer accepting RSVPs

I am happily overwhelmed by all of you! As of today, we have over 700 girls who have reserved spots at 1 of our 3 Cookie Kickoffs this Saturday. Wow! You have blown me away!

Due to this number, we are definitely at capacity and cannot accept anymore RSVPs. We have 6 stations for the girls to go through and we want to make sure to take time with each girl so they know and understand the cookie program. While we won't turn anyone down, if you haven't reserved your spot- it's something to consider.

Some tips for this Saturday:

1. Come ready to stand in long lines. We will try to move everyone through the stations as efficiently as possible but due to the shear number of girls, there will be lines. Please come with plenty of patience.

2. When you arrive, stop first at the Registration Table and have your girls pick up their Cookie Passports. When they visit each station, they will receive a stamp on their passport. Once completed, turn passports back in at the reservation table for cool prizes! Don't forget to have them write their name/phone number on the back of the postcard.

3. Remember this event is Open House style. Come anytime within the 2 hour event. If 1 booth has a huge line, start at a different booth. The Grand Rapids event ends at noon so please do not show up at noon to go through the stations because we will be tearing down (due to room rental). This is the same for Spring Lake and Traverse City which are ending at 1:30 PM.

4. The most important rule- Have Fun! This event is for your girls to gain skills about cookies and to be proud and excited to be Girl Scouts!

Can't wait to see you all this weekend!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cookie Materials shipped yesterday + fall incentives updated info

The Cookie Materials shipped out yesterday to the Service Units. So, expect materials to arrive this week.

Also- we are still having issues with Fall Incentives! I spoke with our QSP rep today and received the following updated information....
The following service units were shipped to on:

Dec. 29th-
Whitelake, Orchard View, Fruitport, Grant, River Bend, Kentwood, North Park, 5 Cities, Spring Lake, Zeeland, Evart, Belding/Greenvile, OScala, Onaway, Emmet, Manistee, Kalkaska

Dec. 30th-
Big Rapids, Hudsonville, Forest Hills, Grand River, Grand Traverse, Antrium

Shipping time takes 4 days (plus holidays).

Thanks all.